Fourth Annual run of this great charity event on March 12-13, 2011.

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Post by speedy1 »

First and foremost I would like to thank everybody that participated in the Undie 500 by joining us for a rally, joining us for dinner, collecting monetary donations and undies and contributing !!

The official count will not be completed until the end of May, however, keep checking back here because as the numbers change I will be updating this forum. We still have a few Undie 500 collections going on.....

1. Panhandle MINIs has an Undie 500 event taking place on March 20.
2. There are a couple of outstanding monetary donations in the mail.
3. We will still be collecting monetary donations on our collections website HERE.

Every $1 collected counts as 1 pair of undies. With having that said....we have currently collected the equivalance of 2500 Undies ( I still have more to count )

\:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
2013 MINI JCW GP#0317 (Finnegan)
2013 MINI JCW GP #0028 (Hellbender)
2006 MINI JCW GP#0317 (Super Stella)
2006 MINI JCW GP#0713 (Snap)
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Re: RESULTS !!!!

Post by speedy1 »

I am still counting....but I am up to the equivalance of 3431 Undies so far !!! Great job folks!!! The Pensacola region is meeting up this weekend for March Madness to collect Undies also!! Woohooo....are we going to make 8600 like last year?? There is a good possibility!!
2013 MINI JCW GP#0317 (Finnegan)
2013 MINI JCW GP #0028 (Hellbender)
2006 MINI JCW GP#0317 (Super Stella)
2006 MINI JCW GP#0713 (Snap)
2006 Dark Silver Convertible (Stella) Adopted[/b]
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Re: RESULTS !!!!

Post by speedy1 »

Panhandle MINIs had another fantastic showing of support for our charity, club and brand! They had 17 MINIs and approximately 40 people caravan from MINI of Pensacola to Navarre Beach. @The Beach Monkey Restaurant reserved parking and a room for them. They even made a sign that said “Welcome Coopers”! The owner was very supportive and welcomed them back anytime.

Panhandle MINIs collected 317 pairs of underwear and $80. So Panhandle MINIs collected 397 Pairs of underwear! Next year Panhandle MINI hopes to triple that number!

Sandy Sansing's MINI of Pensacola is going to match the Panhandles donations with a $400 check to benefit Dignity U Wear !
2013 MINI JCW GP#0317 (Finnegan)
2013 MINI JCW GP #0028 (Hellbender)
2006 MINI JCW GP#0317 (Super Stella)
2006 MINI JCW GP#0713 (Snap)
2006 Dark Silver Convertible (Stella) Adopted[/b]
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Re: RESULTS !!!!

Post by speedy1 »

Results as of 3/29/2011

This is amazing....we are still having checks, online donations, and undies rolling in!!! Keep it up!!

3661 undies + $2278 = equivalance of 5939 Undies !!!!!
2013 MINI JCW GP#0317 (Finnegan)
2013 MINI JCW GP #0028 (Hellbender)
2006 MINI JCW GP#0317 (Super Stella)
2006 MINI JCW GP#0713 (Snap)
2006 Dark Silver Convertible (Stella) Adopted[/b]
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Re: RESULTS !!!!

Post by Twitchy »

and the final results are????????????????????????????
I'm so far behind I think I'm first.
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Re: RESULTS !!!!

Post by speedy1 »

Twitchy wrote:and the final results are????????????????????????????
I still lhave $$ and undie coming in!!! The final results should be reported next month!!! I do know that we have well over 6000 though!!! AMAZING!!

The Undie 500 event in March (held early due to conflicting MINI events later) is to benefit Dignity U Wear Undie Sunday Undie Monday event held in May. We keep collecting after our Undie 500 results are normally announced in June.
2013 MINI JCW GP#0317 (Finnegan)
2013 MINI JCW GP #0028 (Hellbender)
2006 MINI JCW GP#0317 (Super Stella)
2006 MINI JCW GP#0713 (Snap)
2006 Dark Silver Convertible (Stella) Adopted[/b]
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Re: RESULTS !!!!

Post by speedy1 »

The unofficial final results are in.....again, the official final result will be in June. {Drum roll please !!}

5168 undies/socks
8004 TOTAL

The MINI community amazes me all the time!! Thank you so much from Dignity U Wear and all the Agencies throughout the United States and all the children/families these undies will benefit!!
2013 MINI JCW GP#0317 (Finnegan)
2013 MINI JCW GP #0028 (Hellbender)
2006 MINI JCW GP#0317 (Super Stella)
2006 MINI JCW GP#0713 (Snap)
2006 Dark Silver Convertible (Stella) Adopted[/b]
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Re: RESULTS !!!!

Post by MUNGO »

So how have we done through the years? have we gotten better each year?
Check out my website...
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